Four little Emmoreys

Four little Emmoreys

Thursday, November 5, 2009

So much on my mind

Lately, I've been bursting to share what I've been learning. God has really been using our pastors messages to teach me and to get my attention. I hate missing sunday mornings! He has been sharing and preaching on love. How to love others and what that looks like. I have to tell you, I do not love like I am supposed to!

But, I've also been reading a book.Its been on my shelf for a few years now. I think it was a wedding present and I never got past page 16. I really truly believe it was because the words on the page I wasn't ready to change and to read with an open mind. I wasn't ready to submit what I wanted to what God has for me. Well, I picked the book up a few days ago.. and WOW!!!

So you are probably wondering what book has got my attention... Loving God with all your mind by Elizabeth George. I've read some of her books in the past, but this book is just so good right now. Its talked about focusing on the truth, not playing the 'what if' game and really getting you to think on truth. If it isn't true, then its sin, and dwelling on it means you are sinning.

I am a dreamer, and there is nothing wrong with that, but I often find myself day dreaming of winning 10,000 dollars or other good things to happen to me, and that carries my mind into this fantasy land of getting a bigger house, new clothes, a new car.... then I find myself un happy with what is around me. Instead of looking at what is true around me, I find myself depressed that what I have isn't good enough. What kind of life is that! Not a fun one thats for sure!

The most recent chapter I finished was on fear. Fear can be a paralyzing thought in my world. I fear so many things that sometimes I am robbed of a blessing simply because I am to afraid of what might happen.

This is an exerpt from the book:

Nothing will ever happen to you that god does not already know about. (Psalm 139:1-4)
Nothing will ever happen to you that is a mistake. (Paslm 139:4,16)
Nothing will ever happen that you cannot handle by God's power and grace. (2 Cor 12:9-10)
Nothing will ever happen to you that will not eventually be used by God for some good purpose in your life. (Romans 8:28)
Nothing will ever happen to you without Gods presence. (Matthew 28:20)
Nothing will ever separate you from God's love. (Romans 8:38-39)

If you are really looking to have change and want to truly love God better and with your whole heart, I encourage you to pick this book up and read it. Get past the first 16 pages, and really prayerfully read this book. It is helping me get through my days and its ultimately drawing me close to God, the one who put me on this earth!

Those 6 simple truths are so reassuring and so comforting.

1 comment:

Keara said...

that book seriously changed my life!! LOVE YOU!