Four little Emmoreys

Four little Emmoreys

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

a long time coming

So, I haven't posted in a few days.
Much has happened since I last posted. Mothers day, I called my mom and all four of my siblings were there at "home" I of course started to cry but tried to hide the fact so my mom wouldn't be sad too. It didn't work. She of course knew. Living 7 hours away makes it hard to go home. Especially since gas here is now $4 a gallon!

Dont get me wrong, I love living in Michigan. What we have here is awesome and I can see God at work, but it doesn't make me miss my family all being together any less! Out of all my siblings, I think I enjoy everyone being together the most! When someone isn't there its not the same. I have a great family, everyone who is married in makes the family complete. I love my siblings, but now we have all been married long enough for those friendships to have really developed. I am truly blessed to have a great family!!

Randy says he is coming home early today to spend some time with me and Sophia before American Idol. We will probably go to the park and let Sophia play. She really loves beign outside and playing on the play yard!

Alright, I need to go get the laundry folded and get the kitchen clean. My only two goals for today. If you would see how much I have to do, you would say those are very lofty goals for one day : ) I have had little motivation lately to do any of the above. I've been se exhasted and when Sophia is down I find myself wanting to lay down as well. She is down right now, but no nap for me! I have to get stuff done!


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